Day: July 3, 2024

Irregular Periods

Irregular Periods

Irregular Periods Irregular periods are characterized by variations that deviate from the typical menstrual cycle, which naturally fluctuates slightly from month to month and is considered normal. However, patterns such as menstruation occurring less frequently than

Morning sickness during Pregnancy

Morning sickness during Pregnancy

Morning sickness during Pregnancy   Morning sickness during Pregnancy affects a significant number of women, ranging from half to two-thirds, typically peaking in the first trimester. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting, often more pronounced in the

Pregnancy after 35

Pregnancy after 35

Pregnancy after 35 Pregnancy after 35 can bring increased risks and challenges due to age-related factors. These include higher chances of fertility issues, such as decreased egg quantity and quality, making conception more difficult. Preexisting conditions

Tips to stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Tips to stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Tips to stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding   Managing heavy menstrual bleeding involves strategic nutrition and medical interventions, so, Here are effective Tips to stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Hydration and Electrolytes: It’s beneficial to drink an additional

Myths and Facts about Periods

Myths and Facts about Periods

Myths and Facts about Periods   There are several myths and facts about Periods that deserve clarification to promote accurate understanding and dispel misconceptions.   Firstly, the myth that menstruating women should avoid physical activities is

PCOS and Pregnancy

PCOS and Pregnancy

PCOS and Pregnancy   PCOS and pregnancy bring increased risks for women, including higher chances of developing conditions such as high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. They are also more likely to experience premature birth and

Food to improve Menstrual Health

Food to improve Menstrual Health

Food to improve Menstrual Health   Food choices to improve menstrual health can significantly impact how women feel and manage symptoms during menstruation.   Staying hydrated is crucial to avoid dehydration headaches and reduce bloating. Water-rich

Common Symptoms of PCOS

Common Symptoms of PCOS

Common Symptoms of PCOS Common Symptoms of PCOS affect women’s reproductive health and overall well-being. One common indication is irregular menstrual cycles, characterized by missed periods, irregularity, or unusually light periods. This irregularity often stems from