Category: Pregnancy

How to treat Pregnancy Stretch marks

How to treat Pregnancy Stretch marks?

How to treat Pregnancy Stretch marks? How to treat Pregnancy Stretch Marks  is the biggest question for everyone. Stretch marks are typically benign and often fade naturally over time without requiring medical intervention. However, there are

Food and Drinks to avoid during Pregnancy

Food and Drinks to avoid during Pregnancy

Food and Drinks to avoid during Pregnancy During pregnancy, it’s crucial to be mindful of Food and Drinks to avoid during Pregnancy to protect both your health and your baby’s well-being. Here’s a comprehensive list of

Types of tests during Pregnancy

Types of tests during Pregnancy

Types of tests during Pregnancy There are various types of tests during Pregnancy to confirm the pregnancy and monitor fetal development. Alongside these, optional tests are available to assess potential conditions affecting the pregnancy. Regular check-ups

Importance of exercise during Pregnancy

Importance of exercise during Pregnancy

Importance of exercise during Pregnancy Importance of exercise during pregnancy is that it  offers a multitude of physical and emotional benefits for both the expecting mother and her baby. Not only does it promote enjoyment and

Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Plan

Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Plan

Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Plan Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Plan is a gradual process that requires realistic expectations and patience. Research indicates that around 75 percent of women are heavier one year postpartum compared to before

Easy Ways To Avoid Pregnancy

Easy ways to avoid Pregnancy

Easy Ways To Avoid Pregnancy Unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sex or condom failure can be a daunting experience, but there are easy ways to avoid Pregnancy you can follow to mitigate the risk and manage the

Tips to prevent complications in Pregnancy

Tips to prevent complications in Pregnancy

Tips to prevent complications in Pregnancy Tips to prevent complications in pregnancy involve understanding potential pregnancy complications for informed decision-making. While most pregnancies start as low-risk, issues like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia can arise, necessitating specialized

Skin changes in women during pregnancy are common due to increased blood flow and higher hormone levels in the body.

Skin Changes in Women during Pregnancy

Skin Changes In Women During Pregnancy Skin changes in women during pregnancy are common due to increased blood flow and higher hormone levels in the body.   During pregnancy, the spectrum of skin changes varies among

What causes a pregnancy to be considered higher risk?

What causes a pregnancy to be considered higher risk?

What causes a pregnancy to be considered higher risk? Wondering about what causes a pregnancy to be considered higher risk? Discovering a pregnancy often brings immense joy, excitement, and anticipation for many women. However, it also

Risks of Miscarriage

Risks of Miscarriage

Risks of Miscarriage Miscarriage, also referred to as early pregnancy loss, occurs when pregnancy ends before the 20-week mark due to risks of miscarriage. Understanding the risks of miscarriage is crucial, as approximately 10 to 20